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Worlds Factory - About us


Welcome to Worlds Factory, our haven where we humbly present you our opinions and analysis on the many fictional worlds that every day captivate the imagination of millions of people. Of course, our community is highly interactive and you’re able to comment on the articles, write your own opinion on the forums and even submit your review on a certain product!


Why WF?

The idea developed on its own. Books (including comics and manga), movies and TV series, videogames and the likes share a common denominator: in all cases, they shift us in fictional worlds that might or might not be possible. They might be unconventional; they might be original, but more importantly they are different from the daily routine that too often tries to choke our personality and identity in so many ways.

In these worlds, the fictional characters involved  (those that we have a tendency to identify with, conscious or not)  may live, thanks to the Master Crafters, not only fantastic adventures pushing the boundaries of imagination but also and more importantly, they are able to overcome injustice and adversities, things that each one of us might experience every day. These stories, then, acquire a social purpose as well and this is exactly why their success cannot be surprising to the keen observer.


And even if novels and movies have been analyzed since quite some time, the same cannot be said about videogames, the only media capable of giving the user the abilty to impact the ongoing events (and, not by coincidence, the media which is enjoying the biggest growth in the last few years).

Our mission is that of guiding you, our readers, towards a better understanding of the most important media in the Home Entertainment area; we will do so thanks to detailed yet accessible information, so that the great heritage formed by the creation, imagination and spread of fictional stories and worlds may be preserved and developed in our society.



We want to provide you a special looking glass not only on products, but also on the creative procedures behind them. Welcome to Worlds Factory.